We have items that can be used to measure teachers' mathematical content knowledge for teaching in:
- Number and operations (K-6, 6-8)
- Patterns, functions, and algebra (K-6, 6-8)
- Geometry (3-8)
We also have topic-specific modules (4-8) in:
- Rational number
- Proportional reasoning
- Geometry
- Data, probability, and statistics
Items in each category capture whether teachers can not only answer the mathematics problems they assign students, but also how teachers solve the special mathematical tasks that arise in teaching, including
evaluating unusual solution methods, using mathematical definitions, representing mathematical content to students, and identifying adequate mathematical explanations.
Each item and form has been piloted with over 500 elementary teachers, yielding information about item characteristics and overall scale reliabilities for piloted forms.
We also have items measuring teachers' knowledge of students and content for the domain of K-6 number and operation. These items probe whether teachers recognize common student errors and
solution strategies, and can anticipate whether material will be difficult or easy for students. For more information on these measures, please contact project staff.